B-17 from Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon

B-17 from Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon
B-17 from Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon (Photo Copyrighted by Michael A. Eastman)

Sunday, June 16, 2019

New Series of Articles for LinkedIn

In our resumes, some of you may have listed accomplishments with the job position. Within the limited room that is presented, the background of the accomplishment gets missed. What I started doing is a series on the LinkedIn Web Site titled 'The Rest of the Story'​ to add detailing to this background so that the full understanding of why this is a great "Dragon Slaying Story"​ is revealed. There is always room for this, and I have been negligent in the past. The accounts themselves have, at many times, an unforseen consequence that adds to that story. The first article pre-amble is presented here, but if you would like to know 'The Rest of the Story', please do go over to LinkedIn and have a go at reading the full article.

FSPUP (EBA) Chart produced and copyrighted by Michael A. Eastman

The Rest of the Story - Accomplishment FSPUP

Published on June 13, 2019
Michael A Eastman
Senior Technologist - System Integration Design Development, Analysis, Configuration Data Management...

Along the way in searching for materials that I was gathering for another publication, I came across a graph that I had forgotten about. When talking to HR during interviews, I would come up with explanations of what was accomplished on a previous position. Most times these involve what has been termed "Dragon Slaying" stories, a term that Liz Ryan coined on her article on Re-Branding Yourself at Any Age dated 07/30/2014. I have already used the branding after trying to decide what it is that I have done the most or best, instead summing up what I would like to do in the future. I currently have an eye on Senior Research and Development in Design Technology, whether it is by hardware, software or by concepts. This I realize will take some more memories to be made in order to achieve. The 'Senior Technologist' is a result of boiling down several of the past positions held, and I have several dragon slaying stories of how I accomplished those (the Rosetta-Matrix Solution, MPE and Me, The Binary-Matrix, How to read the Library of Congress in any language, The Triangle Equation, and many more). These stories will be presented in the future under this particular series of articles that I am putting together.

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