B-17 from Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon

B-17 from Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon
B-17 from Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, Oregon (Photo Copyrighted by Michael A. Eastman)

Crazed Plastic That Could Have Been - The Missed Articles

These are the Articles and Drawings from my list of topics for the planned future of Crazed Plastic that never came about.  Others in the club could also add their topics to this list.  Since the publication stopped at #36, these languished in a folder for years.  I have been collecting and researching on these areas since then. There are other web sites/magazines that do publish model reviews like: [list sites].  I still like the simplicity of our Crazed Plastic for some reason, it is home grown. The current list that I have at the moment (there may be more added later):

  • Star Trek Part II 
  • X-15 Part II 
  • X-20 Part III
  • Avenger II A-12 Stealth Aircraft
  • Armoured Box Launcher (ABL) Part II 
  • Lifting Bodies Part II and Part III
  • GT D-21 Drone Part I
  • SR-71
  • Gemini Part (X) with EVA, Extra Equipment, Tools, Experiments, Agena
  • Mark 112 Launcher
  • Harpoon Missile
  • Cruise Missile
  • Modeling Robots Part IV
  • LDEF Part III
  • Titan III Part I
  • Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL)
  • Apollo CM/SM Detailing
  • Lunar Lander Research Vehicle? (LLRV)
  • Lifting Bodies Part II plus:  M2-F2/M2-F3, HL-10, X-24A and X-24B, more?
  • Transtage: Gemini, MOL, Shuttle OTV, X-20
  • Post Saturn (Hypothetical Boosters)
  • XB-35/XB-49 Flying Wings
  • 1/12 Scale Cockpits and Crew Members - What is right and wrong about the kits.
  • Heavy lift shuttle derivatives
  • Letter to Editor from Joe Syszynski on the F-19

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